Tuesday, January 27, 2009

An associate quotes Franklin D. Roosevelt's 1933 inaugural speech, " . . . . we have nothing to fear but fear itself."

This may be true, but difficult to understand if you are one of those that just lost two household incomes. The next horror story is that your residence is in a state that just announced that their unemployment insurance fund is broke--but subject to another Federal rescue.

Broken, the economy's roller coaster is speeding down out of control to what appears as a long flat track. We will reach the incline, eventually, but it will be a difficult climb after losing the momentum.

Disquieting and unconscionable are the continuing accesses of big business. For example a 50-million dollar jet for CITI Bank after their announced 5-billion dollar bailout. Or unbelievable "pork" in our government's spending policies.

Where has integrity, loyalty honesty and common sense gone to? The daily newscasts are peppered, daily, with new scams and fraud perpetrated on believers. And, credit card companies are still asking "what's in your wallet?" Good lord people, wake up and demand control.

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